There are some requirements that orders must meet in order to be combined:
If an order has already shipped, it cannot be combined.
All orders must be under the same recipient name as we cannot combine the orders if they were purchased under different names.
All orders must be stocked items or in the same groupbuy collection.
We cannot guarantee all combination requests for stocked items will be accommodated as our fulfillment may process the order(s) before CS sees the request.
We cannot combine orders for separate groupbuy collections due to fulfillment timeframes. Additionally, we will not combine orders for stocked items with groupbuy orders.
As of May 2021, groupbuy deskpads must be ordered separate from other products and cannot be combined with anything else.
We cannot combine orders on extras drops. With such a large influx of orders coming through in an instant, combining hundreds of orders will slow us down when we need to focus on fulfilling orders in a reasonable timeframe.
If your orders fit the criteria, please submit a support ticket and include the order numbers that you would like combined.